Don Whittecar

In an effort to pay it forward, having been a victim myself, I dedicated my professional life to conducting research and development activities on Child Abuse. Specifically, to opening doors of employment in the Literary, Visual and Performing Arts for those with disabilities. Unfortunately, the stress took its’ toll and my doctors told me to make a career change. Fortunately, I have graduate/post graduate education and experience in both Psychology and Fine Arts. At this point, hastened by the onset of my own disability, Adult Onset Stills Disease, and with the unparalleled support of friends and colleagues I was able to begin my professional life anew, in photography. To express my gratitude to the friends and colleagues that came to my aide, and to honor my inner convictions, the inspiration and subsequent subject matter I depict are derived from the exclusive found in God’s creation. I seek to record His more unique subjects with equally unique creativity, instruments and techniques. I am fond of quoting Carl Jung when he said, “Art is a kind of innate drive that seizes a human being and makes him its instrument. To perform this difficult office it is sometimes necessary to sacrifice happiness and everything that makes life worth living . . . for the ordinary human being.”

The success of my new found profession quickly exceeded my fondest expectations. Initially, I was invited to photograph for Yellowstone National Parks’ Wolf Project. Douglas W. Smith, the projects’ leader, would later write, “My involvement with Don has lasted well beyond this project in that his bottom line is making a difference and that committment lasts far beyond the time he spent photographing here. I would say that this was one of his most important qualities that set him off from other people wanting to be involved in the Yellowstone Wolf Project.” Next, again by invitation, I started working with The Center for Whale Research on San Juan Island, Washington. My images of Orcas, “Killer Whales”, were used as a means of identification of the resident and transient pods that live in, or visit for extended stays, the Puget Sound ecosystem. Additionally, I was honored to be selected as a media photographer for the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (AIBF). AIBF, accepts only 500 balloons from the hundreds of applicants representing 55 countries internationally and is the largest balloon fiesta in the world. And, it is also the most photographed event world wide. As would be expected the demand for media photographers’ credentials is very competitive. The pinnacle of my photographic successes to date is being selected as one of two photographers internationally to receive a personal profile in Leicaview, Leica Cameras’ international publication. One of my images was on the front cover while eight others complemented a six page article titled, “Committed to Causes”highlighting my photographic pursuits. I was, and continue to be, motivated by the admonition of Simone Weil, “The work of art that I do not make . . . none other will ever make it.”

None of my photographic successes compare with the honor and moment that I was given through the U. S. Department of Labor. My success as an artist with a disability attracted the attention of former colleagues at the D.O.L.s’ National Center on Self-Employment and Disability. This center of the D.O.L. was about to launch a national program titled “The National Self-Employment Technical Assistance and Research Initiative” and would be administered by the nationally renowned Rehabilitation Research and Training Center at Virginia Commonwealth University. I was one of ten entrepreneurs, and the only artist, with a disability in the nation to serve in the areas of research studies, case studies, interviews, presentations, and reviewing resources for national dissemination. Being a part of this initiative gave me, once again, the opportunity to pay it forward and contribute to expanding the opportunities presented to those Artists with disabilities less fortunate than me.

All of the activities of this initiative were gratifying, but those that provided me with the opportunity to have personal contact with those with disabilities, their families and rehabilitation professionals were the most rewarding. This contact came in the forms of; mentoring, both individuals and small groups, presenting at local, regional and national meetings, conducting training seminars, and providing one on one support. I am making myself personally available. If you are an artist with a disability in need of some help, please feel free to contact me.

Sincerely . . . Don

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